=English below= Zveme vás na networking a panelovou diskuzi na téma: Aktivní občanství lidí s migračním původem – proč je to důležité? Budete mít také příležitost objevit zajímavé projekty vedené lidmi s migračním původem v Praze a dozvědět se...
MigAct Kafe! ☕ Coffee, Cookies & Conversations – You’re Invited! We’d love for you to join us for a cozy morning over coffee and cookies! 😊 📅 When: 25.02.2025, 09:00 – 11:00📍 Where: MigAct Office, Revoluční 13, 4th Floor, Room 414 Let’s...
In March, April and May 2025 MigAct will organize its inaugural Training Program for Community Organizers. Our program is designed to train and support local community organizers living in Prague who have ideas that promote intercultural openness...
In December, we launched our first crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for our 2025 Leadership Training Program. Thank you all who read and shared our messages, who supported us in any way, and who helped us achieve our goal! V prosinci jsme s...