Our Timeline

First MigAct membership meeting


MigAct Meetups - Prague 7 Networking meeting


Your City, Your Voice: Follow-up session


Regional platform by ICP


Prague 7 neighborhood networking


Networking MigAct Vol. 3 at PCU

December, 2023

Your City, Your Voice: A Workshop on Cooperation with Prague City Hall vol. 3

November, 2023

Registration of a civic association MigAct z.s.

October, 2023

International conference - Empowering civic engagement in a diverse society

September, 2023

2nd MigAct Networking meeting at Prague City University

March, 2023

Various MigAct events, launch of MigAct Mondays at Inbaze

April, 2023

Launch of UNITES co-design project with Prague City Hall

April and May, 2023

Closing of the first acceleration program for NGOs and civic initiatives

August, 2023

MigAct's first annivesary at Kampus Hybernska

April and May, 2023

Strategic planning with MigAct's core team​

Winter, 2023​

Launch of InBaze acceleration program for NGOs and civic initiatives

December, 2022

First MigAct networking event at Česká spořitelna a.s.

November, 2022

MigAct Launch at The Regional Platform, ICP

November, 2022

Participatory meeting at The Prague City Gallery

September, 2022

First participatory meetings at Prague City Hall and InBaze

June, 2022


Our Current Projects and Activities

City for All – Support for Civic Participation in an Intercultural Environment

This project is run in cooperation with Prague City Hall. Prague is gradually becoming a very diverse city, where approximately one-fourth of the population has a migration background. Most of these residents do not have voting rights, which means that their opinions, voices, and needs are not represented at the political level. Civil society is one of the few possible means by which individuals and groups can be active in society, shape public opinions, and participate in addressing various social issues that are important for all city residents.

Support for participation is a crucial part of integration. The capital city of Prague, in its integration policy for foreigners, has committed to actively developing social cohesion and mobilizing civil society.

Socially engaged individuals with migration backgrounds and civic initiatives led by migrants face many obstacles on their path to civic participation. These obstacles include language barriers, lack of information and contextual understanding,  experiences of rejection, prejudice, or xenophobia and others. This project aims to mitigate some of these obstacles through awareness-raising and netwroking, counseling and strengthening  civic competencies.

Project duration: 01.05.2024-31.12.2024

Stay tuned for updates and sign up for our newsletter!

MigAct capacity building

This project is implemented in cooperation with AMIGA and EPIM – European Philanthropic Initiative for Migration

Our focus in this project will be on continually refining the MigAct strategic plan through a series of participatory meetings involving the MigAct core team and MigAct community. These sessions will dive deep into MigAct’s vision, mission, and goals, fostering collaborative dialogue to develop our theory of change and optimize our strategic objectives. Regular participatory meetings with MigAct community will ensure broad stakeholder engagement and input. The activity will culminate in a public presentation of the strategic plan combined with a networking event, demonstrating MigAct’s commitment to transparency and community involvement.

Project duration: 01.06.2024-31.03.2025

Led by Eurocities, UNITES (UrbaN InTEgration Strategies through co-design) trains and accompanies local authorities to co-design integration strategies with other stakeholders and migrants.

MigAct has been a part of the UNITES project from its beginning. In collaboration with Prague City Hall, we strategically devised and executed a number of participatory workshops, each geared towards fostering stronger collaboration between Prague City Hall and residents with migration backgrounds.

International conference Empowering Civic Engagement in a Diverse Society, which took place on 21.09.2023 in Prague was co-financed within the UNITES project. It included a panel discussion  – Engaging migrants in local communities and in co-designing integration strategies – perspectives of European partners in the UNITES project.

Our Past Projects

Participating Organizations
Matertera z.s., DoFE – The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Czech Republic, Rehearsal for Reality z.s., AMIGA and others.

Implementation dates:
1. 4. 2022 – ⁠30. 9. 2023

The project was implemented by InBáze z.s.

One of the outcomes of the project was development of the MigAct initiative which later transformed into an independent association.

English (UK)