Browse through resources related to the topic of civil society and civic participation

International conference: Empowering Civic Engagement in a Diverse Society, 21.09.2023 - Prague

Download our recent study:
Allen, Natallia, Klára Slepičková. 2023. Pathways to active citizenship of residents with a migrant background in the city of Prague.
Findings of pilot study and reflection of the experience of InBáze z.s. and the MigAct initiative. Prague. InBáze z.s.

Local civic participation guides for Prague 11 (InBáze z.s., MČ Praha 11, 2021):
Prague 11 – How can I get involved in my neighborhood? – ENG
Praha 11 – jak se mohu zapojit ve své čtvrti? – CZ

Overview of civic and political activities (InBáze z.s., MHMP, 2021):
Vstupní analýza existujících forem občanské a politické participace obyvatel hl. města Prahy z řad migrantů – CZ

English (UK)