Our partners and supporters
Prague City Hall
Department of Culture and Tourism
Department of National Minorities and Foreigners
Jungmannova 35/29, 11000 Praha 1
Prague for All
Prague City University
Prague City University was established in 2004 as Prague College, offering a British university education in English in the heart of Europe. Over the years it came to embrace three Schools — Business, Art & Design, and Media & IT — and a wide spectrum of programmes at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, Professional and Foundation levels.
InBáze z.s.
The mission of InBáze is to help migrants and their families with life in the Czech Republic.
EPIM is Europe’s largest and longest-standing philanthropic collaborative working on issues of migration, belonging and democracy. We fund and nurture alliances and partnerships, curate the migration ecosystem and cultivate a shared narrative for belonging and democratic resilience.
Dobrovolnické centrum Agora 7
The Volunteer Center Agora 7 is a place for meeting active individuals, formal and informal volunteers, self-help and interest groups, social start-ups, and professional helping organizations operating in Prague 7. Our goal is to educate, inspire, and connect people who want to do good things in their community.
Matertera z.s.
The purpose of Matertera is to help women with a migrant background overcome barriers and support each other in personal and professional growth. We are a community of women who have decided to fullfill their dreams together.
Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.
FriendShip Prague
FriendShip Prague is an English-speaking network of Czechs and Expats which exists to provide support and friendship to people in need in Prague.
Integration center Prague
We are a non-profit organisation that strives to make Prague a city for everyone – a home to all those who have decided to live here regardless of their country of origin, and a place where the citizens respect and support one another, and team up.
Iniciativa nájemníků a nájemnic
The Tenant's Initiative has been working since September 2022 with the goal to improve the situation of tenants in Prague.
Rehearsal for Reality
RfR is a people’s theatre for community dialogue and social change. The aim is to help diverse people live better together, encourage deeper engagement in civil society, and promote personal, social and political processes of change.
The DofE is a challenge for anyone aged 14 to 24 to force you to work on yourself regularly. Get involved and choose a skill, movement and volunteering you want to do for an hour a week. At the end of it, you'll have an adventurous expedition with your friends.
Místní místním, z.ú.
We are a non-profit organization that initiates discussions and supports society in providing direct assistance to people in their local communities. We create a network of socially friendly places that have decided to offer small services for free to homeless individuals and anyone who in need.
Česko-Tchaj-wanská společnost z.s.
The Czech-Taiwanese Society is the first association of the Taiwanese community in the Czech Republic. We support the Taiwanese community living in the Czech Republic and strive to facilitate better cultural exchange between the two countries.
Česká spořitelna a.s.
We tell stories about how #stronger neighborhoods are created and how good deeds is done. We call it Dobro.dějky.
AMIGA z.s.
Our organizations was founded 2010 by migrants living in the Czech Republic with the purpose to promote and develop mutual adaptation and communication between migrants, and host society and promoting a healthy, harmonious and filled life at the international, national, community, family and individual level.